Record Of Accountants General
Frequently, however, a general is a staff officer who does not command troops however who plans their operations within the area. An officer in the highest, second, or third highest rank, as one rating instantly under a subject marshal within the British army. As a lieutenant outranks a sergeant main; confusion often arises because a lieutenant is outranked by a significant. Originally the serjeant main was, exclusively, the commander of the infantry, junior only to the captain-general and lieutenant basic. The distinction of serjeant major general solely utilized after serjeant majors were launched as a rank of area officer. Serjeant was eventually dropped from both rank titles, creating the modern rank titles. It has a NATO rank scale code of OF-9 and is the very best rank at present in use in numerous armies, air forces, and marine organizations. Final eligible candidates listing might be uploaded 2 days after last date of provisional record. Roll number and test center might be ...